The Theological Task Today

In preparation for an upcoming paper I will be delivering at the annual conference of the Canadian American Theological Association entitled, “Reimagining Ethical Preaching,” I have had the opportunity to immerse myself in Garrett Green’s insightful work on imagination. Here is a particularly rich passage from his recent book Imagining Theology: Continue reading The Theological Task Today

Upcoming Event: After Dispensationalism

On Thursday, March 30, 2023, the Biblical and Theological Studies department of Providence Theological Seminary will be hosting a panel discussion of the forthcoming book After Dispensationalism: Reading the Bible for the End of the World written by Brian Irwin of Knox College, Toronto along with my colleague Tim Perry. If you’re a Christian in North America there’s a very good chance that you’ve either personally been influenced by dispensationalism or know someone who has. Guests are welcome to join the event in person or on Zoom. You can register for this free event and find out more information here.

Calvin on Faith and Hope

“For if faith, as has been said above, is a sure persuasion of the truth of God – that it can neither lie to us, nor deceive us, nor become void – then those who have grasped this certainty assuredly expect the time to come when God will fulfill his promises, which they are persuaded cannot but be true.  Accordingly, in brief, hope is nothing else than the expectation of those things which faith has believed to have been truly promised by God.  Continue reading Calvin on Faith and Hope

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