Category Archives: Videos

New Issue of Didaskalia!

I am pleased to announce the publication of Volume 31 of Didaskalia on the theme “Engaging Scripture.” The issue features an impressive collection of peer-reviewed essays, intriguing reflections from the front lines of ministry, edifying sermons, and reviews of some of the lastest books of note. You can view the full table of contents here. As part of our continuing commitment to providing accessible theological scholarship in service of the church, we are continuing with the special promotional offer of making the issue available for the cost of postage. You can subscribe for the latest issue here. In the video below, my colleague Joshua Coutts talks about his essay from the volume, “Formed by the Word in an Age of Information.”

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Video Lecture: “Imagining a Better Way”

The video recording of my recent BTS Symposium presentation, “Imagining a Better Way: Towards a Theology of Transformative Preaching,” is now available on the Providence YouTube channel. There was a great turnout for the event with a capacity crowd in the room and a good group joining online. There were some insightful questions from both the in-person and online attenders.

A Conversation about Personhood

I recently appeared with my former student Jordan Michalski on the Soul Sanctuary podcast. They’ve been doing a sermon series on essential Christian doctrines. After each sermon they’ve been recording a podcast in response to questions they’ve received from the congregation. Jordan invited me to join him to talk about questions emerging from his sermon on human personhood. You can listen to the podcast here or watch the video below: