The Rev. Jinsil Park conducted a short interview with me about my current writing project prior to my preaching at Westwood Presbyterian Church in Winnipeg this past Sunday. You can watch the interview below.
Tag Archives: Bonhoeffer
Upcoming Bonhoeffer Course
As part of its ongoing commitment to support the life and ministry of the church, Providence Theological Seminary is allowing pastors and other ministry leaders to audit most of its courses for the reduced fee of $250 CDN. Include among those offerings is my upcoming modular course to be held during the week of February 20-24 on the life and witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Here is the course description: Continue reading Upcoming Bonhoeffer Course
Review of Taylor’s “Reading Scripture as the Church”
The following is a review of Derek W. Taylor’s Reading Scripture as the Church: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Hermeneutic of Discipleship that I contributed to Studies in Christian Ethics 35(2) (May 2022): 418-421.
Continue reading Review of Taylor’s “Reading Scripture as the Church”
“The Heresy of Relevance” Published in Pro Ecclesia
The electronic version of my article “The Heresy of Relevance: Bonhoeffer’s Warning to Preachers” has just been published on the Sage Journals website. It will be appearing in print in the February 2022 edition of Pro Eccleisa: A Journal of Catholic and Evangelical Theology. If you have personal or library access to Sage articles, you can read it here. Continue reading “The Heresy of Relevance” Published in Pro Ecclesia
Some Short Lenten Reading
In the midst of the final stretch of the semester, with Holy Week approaching next week, posts have been few and far between. In the midst of the busyness, I wanted to share a couple of timely articles that have come on to my radar in the past few days. Continue reading Some Short Lenten Reading
Xplore Series at CMU
I have been invited to return to Canadian Mennonite University and offer the six week lecture series on Dietrich Bonhoeffer that was cut short last spring due to the pandemic. The series entitled, “Theological Resistance in Troubled Times: The Compelling Witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer,” is being offered through CMU’s Xplore program that encourages learning among those 55 years of age and older. My first lecture, this Thursday at 11:30 am Central Time, will provide a biographical orientation to Bonhoeffer’s life and legacy. The series is being offered on Zoom this year, so if you fall into that demographic, you can register for $40. You can learn more about the CMU Xplore series and register for the course here.