The newest issue of Didaskalia on the theme of “Death and Resurrection” has come off the press. You can view the full list of contents here. The full printed version of the roundtable discussion I hosted on the state of medical assistance in dying in Canada can also be accessed through the journal’s website here.
Unfortunately, the upcoming issue of Didaskalia has been held up in production. However, it sounds like it will soon finally make its appearance. In anticipation of its appearance, I thought I would share my editor’s introduction to the issue. We are once again making this issue available at the special rate of $5 for those within Canada and $10 for those in other countries. See for more information.
There is another excellent issue of Didaskaliaon the near horizon. Once again, we have been able to make the issue available to interested readers at the special rate of $5 for those within Canada and $10 for those outside of Canada. You can sign up to receive the issue here.
Congratulations to Dion Gingerich, an MA student under my supervision, who recently completed his thesis “Plainly Becoming: An Examination of Early Anabaptist Simplicity in Light of Stanley Hauerwas’s Account of Virtue for Community Formation.” Dion will be leaving Manitoba to take up the role of Dean of Students at Rosedale Bible College in Ohio. Dion’s thesis will eventually be available through the William Falk Library at Providence, but if you’d like to read it let me know, as I’m sure he’d be willing to share it. Here is his abstract: Continue reading Congratulations Dion!→
I have an essay entitled, “Reclaiming an Eschatological Imagination: A Dogmatic Sketch” appearing in the most recent issue of Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture on the theme “Apocalypse Now and Not Yet.” Friends and former students will know that I have been teaching and lecturing on these themes going all the way back to my comprehensive examination on Apocalyptic Eschatology written years ago under the supervision of Joseph Mangina. You can access a preview of the issue, which includes the first few pages of my essay here. The issue also includes an essay by Rodney Clapp entitled, “Apocalyptic Hope in a World Consumed by Apocalypse” and an essay by John Morehead called “The Truth is Out There” on extraterrestrial salvation.