The following is the text of a sermon I preached at St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Winnipeg this past Sunday for Remembrance Sunday. The assigned lectionary readings were: 1 Kings 17:8–16; Psalm 146; Hebrews 9:24–28; Mark 12:38–44.
Continue reading Remembering Rightly: A Sermon for Remembrance Sunday →
Wycliffe College will be hosting their annual Preaching Day on Monday, February 26, 2018. Wycliffe always manages to put together an excellent program featuring keynote speakers that are among some of the most theologically insightful preachers and teachers of our day. This year’s conference looks to be no exception to the rule as Wycliffe welcomes Jason Byassee to speak on the theme of “Christ Meets Us in the Psalms.” Continue reading Wycliffe College Preaching Day →
The following is quotation from Ellen Davis’s rich collection of sermons, Preaching the Luminous Word, that seems especially appropriate for the Feast of Christ the King: Continue reading A Quote from Ellen Davis for the Feast of Christ the King →
A Guest Post by Victor Shepherd
This is the fourth in a series of posts engaging with the sermons in Leaps of Faith: Sermons from the Edge. This post is a reflection upon a sermon entitled “A Long and Winding Word” (pp. 10-17). The Scriptural text for the sermon was Psalm 119:97-112. Continue reading A Long and Winding Word →
Yesterday Fuller Studio premiered a new documentary that focuses on the unlikely friendship and love of the Psalms shared by, arguably, two of today’s most important spiritual leaders – Bono and Eugene Peterson. Peterson, who is perhaps most widely known for his translation of the Bible known as The Message, has significantly shaped contemporary conversation in the areas of pastoral and spiritual theology. Over the past forty years, his calm and steady voice has saved many pastors from foundering on the rocks of the Church Growth and Marketing movements. For those who aren’t familiar with Bono, he is an international activist and humanitarian who moonlights as the front-man of the Irish rock band U2. Continue reading The Prophet and the Pastor: Bono and Eugene Peterson →

In his continuing commentary on the story of David dancing before the ark of the covenant in 2 Samuel 6, Robert Barron observes that there is another aspect of the passage that is puzzling to modern readers. Namely, how on earth could anyone dance before the law? (We must remember that the tablets of the Ten Commandments were housed within the ark.) Barron observes, “it would be difficult to imagine anyone dancing with joy before the tax code or the latest motor vehicle statutes, or even before the U.S. Constitution.” However, David and the people of Israel dance with all their might before the law! Continue reading What Does Sinai Have to Do With Augusta? →
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