Tag Archives: law

Life Under the Law When We Are a Law Unto Ourselves (Series on “Minding the Web”)

“We do not think we live in a time when moral conventions (which is just another word for the Law) determine our lives, but we do. We may not quite be in a Jane Austen world, but we are close. Jane Austen lived in a world of clear social conventions in which everyone knew what was the right thing to do or say, particularly when you were at dinner. Her novels are relentless investigations of whether people who always seem to do the right thing, in fact, have a true heart. Continue reading Life Under the Law When We Are a Law Unto Ourselves (Series on “Minding the Web”)

What Does Sinai Have to Do With Augusta?

Golfer Practicing

In his continuing commentary on the story of David dancing before the ark of the covenant in 2 Samuel 6, Robert Barron observes that there is another aspect of the passage that is puzzling to modern readers.  Namely, how on earth could anyone dance before the law?  (We must remember that the tablets of the Ten Commandments were housed within the ark.)  Barron observes, “it would be difficult to imagine anyone dancing with joy before the tax code or the latest motor vehicle statutes, or even before the U.S. Constitution.” 1  However, David and the people of Israel dance with all their might before the law! Continue reading What Does Sinai Have to Do With Augusta?

  1. Robert Barron, 2 Samuel (Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2015), 60.