Tag Archives: forgiveness

Remembering Rightly: A Sermon for Remembrance Sunday

The following is the text of a sermon I preached at St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Winnipeg this past Sunday for Remembrance Sunday.  The assigned lectionary readings were:  1 Kings 17:8–16; Psalm 146; Hebrews 9:24–28; Mark 12:38–44. 

Continue reading Remembering Rightly: A Sermon for Remembrance Sunday

Radio Interview and Other “Breaking News”

Upon returning from holidays last week, I found myself thrust back into a series of meetings and obligations.  As things settle down, I hope to catch up on a few posts that I have had in mind. This past Sunday I had the privilege of preaching at First Presbyterian Church in Kenora.  While some significant challenges lay before the city of Kenora, it is a beautiful spot and home to my family’s favourite town mascot/statue:  Husky the Muskie!  This morning, in the wake of Tullian Tchividjian’s announcement that he was starting a new church, I talked with Alissa Moffit at CHVN 95.1 FM in Winnipeg about the potential of pastors being restored to ministry after abusing their authority.  You can read excerpts from the interview here.

On Feet and Forgiveness

“With the basin, God’s people are schooled in the humility necessary to serve in Christ’s upside-down kingdom.1 The practice of foot-washing challenges our deeply held goals and aspirations by replacing popular conceptions of success with a vision of radical downward mobility. Continue reading On Feet and Forgiveness

  1. Reflecting on the practice of foot-washing, Jean Vanier writes, “It is always very moving for me when someone with disabilities washes my feet or when I see a person wash the feet of their mother or father. It is the world turned upside down.” Jean Vanier, Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus through the Gospel of John (Ottawa: Novalis, 2004), 228.