Tag Archives: cross

Augustine on the Ark of the Church

“God commanded Noah to make an Ark, in which he and his family — that is, his wife, his sons and his sons’ wives —were to be saved from the devastation of the Flood, together with the animals that went into the Ark in accordance with God’s directions.  Without doubt this is a symbol of the City of God on pilgrimage in this world: that is, of the Church which is saved through the wood upon which hung ‘the Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus’.” (XV.26) 1

  1. Augustine, The City of God against the Pagans, trans. R.W. Dyson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998).

A Tale of Two Jesuses

A Guest Post by David Schuchardt

This is the twelfth  in a series of posts engaging with the sermons in Leaps of Faith: Sermons from the Edge.  This post is a reflection upon a Good Friday sermon entitled “A Tale of Two Jesuses” (pp. 116-124). The Scriptural texts for the sermon were Matthew 27:11-26 and Isaiah 52:13-53:12. Continue reading A Tale of Two Jesuses

The Road to Calvary Passes through Flossenbürg

A Guest Post by Patrick Franklin

This is the tenth  in a series of posts engaging with the sermons in Leaps of Faith: Sermons from the Edge.  This post is a reflection upon a Lenten sermon entitled “The Road to Calvary Passes through Flossenbürg” (pp. 92-102). The Scriptural text for the sermon was Mark 8:27-9:8. Continue reading The Road to Calvary Passes through Flossenbürg

Book of the Year

Cover of Fleming Rutledge's "The Crucifixion"Congratulations to Fleming Rutledge, whose book The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ has been named “Book of the Year” by Christianity Today.  The full article can be read here.

After publishing several powerful collections of sermons and having faithfully served the cause of the Gospel for many years in pulpits both within her own Episcopal Church and across the ecumenical spectrum, it is wonderful to see her magnum opus receiving this kind of well-deserved recognition. Continue reading Book of the Year