When Fleming Rutledge and Clint Eastwood are in agreement about something then you have to stop and listen! Of course, it’s not the real Clint Eastwood, but it was hard to resist quoting Fleming Rutledge in juxtaposition to the latest Lutheran Satire video which features Clint Eastwood reading the lyrics of contemporary praise songs. Continue reading Fleming Rutledge and Clint Eastwood on Contemporary Christian Music
A People Who Wait (Series on “Minding the Web”)
“Advent is a time that rightly begins the church year. But as Christians we wait not only at Advent. Rather, waiting is a time that is constitutive of every time of the church year. Continue reading A People Who Wait (Series on “Minding the Web”)
Creatures of Time (Series on “Minding the Web”)
“Advent is a time the church has given us in the hope we can learn to wait. To learn to wait is to learn how to recognize we are creatures of time. Time is a gift and a threat. Time is a gift and a threat because we are bodily creatures. Continue reading Creatures of Time (Series on “Minding the Web”)
Advent Resources
With the first Sunday of Advent nearly upon us, I thought that I would go back through the archives and pull together some of the most memorable postings pertaining to Advent that have appeared on the blog. In the days ahead, I will also be posting some Advent-themed quotations from Stanley Hauerwas which appear in Minding the Web. Here are some of the notable previous posts: Continue reading Advent Resources
The Word is Near You
Last night I was pleasantly surprised by the arrival of my copy of The Word is Near You: Seeds of the Reformation. The book is a collection of sermons edited by Peter Robinson that were preached in the chapel at Wycliffe College last year to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. I was honoured by the invitation to preach as part of the series and am now delighted to see my sermon on Matthew 28: 16-20 in print alongside other sermons from the distinguished faculty at Wycliffe. The book is available through Amazon in both paperback and Kindle. Continue reading The Word is Near You
A Timely Word for Christ the King Sunday (Series on “Minding the Web”)
“I have called attention to the kind of authority Jesus and Paul enact as a way to suggest that there may be some tension between the political order that is the church and that form of social and political organization called democracy. I need not tell you this is the day Americans elect their president and a host of other offices. We will be told this is the day the people rule. That sounds like a good idea, but you need to remember that there was a democratic moment in the Gospels, and the people asked for Barabbas. Continue reading A Timely Word for Christ the King Sunday (Series on “Minding the Web”)