There is an excellent essay by Hans Boersma in the current issue of First Things entitled “Fear of the Word” that grapples with some of the fundamental struggles and assumptions about Scripture that haunt preachers today. Here’s an excerpt: Continue reading Hans Boersma on Handling Scripture
The Fundamental Love Story
I was recently politely chided by a friend for not posting anything on the blog in recent days. I’ll have more to say in the days to come about some of the projects I’ve been working on, but in the meantime here is a beautiful and compelling passage from the first volume of James McClendon’s three volume Systematic Theology: Continue reading The Fundamental Love Story
Hauerwas on His “Frightening” Friendship with Jean Vanier
Faith and Leadership have published a lovely piece by Stanley Hauerwas on his friendship with Jean Vanier. The following is an excerpt in which Hauerwas recounts the first time he heard the L’Arche founder speak: Continue reading Hauerwas on His “Frightening” Friendship with Jean Vanier
Jean Vanier and the Wounds of Jesus
Earlier today, Jean Vanier, the founder of the L’Arche movement, died at the Maison Médicale Jeanne Garnier in Paris. The official announcement from L’Arche can be read here and reports from various new agencies are beginning to appear, including that of the CBC here. Continue reading Jean Vanier and the Wounds of Jesus
The Grammar of Resurrection: An Easter Sunday Sermon Excerpt
I had the great privilege yesterday of celebrating Easter Sunday with the Church of Pentecost in Winnipeg. Thank you to Overseer Gabriel Addo-Asante for the invitation to share in the ministry of the Word on the Day of the Resurrection. Here are a few paragraphs from my sermon on Luke 24: Continue reading The Grammar of Resurrection: An Easter Sunday Sermon Excerpt