The Pulpit is a Prow

“Yet the preacher of the gospel of grace cannot be a mere minstrel, grinning good cheer in an age of despair.  The preacher’s struggle against the darkness of this present world must be furnished with a full kit: the Bible, the sword of the Spirit, understandable now as it was not understood prior to modernity;1 the history of God’s peaceable Israel old and ongoing (called in Scripture the preparation of the gospel of peace); and supremely (though like the Trinity never so named in Scripture) the primary theology that gives our sermon its center, its raison d’être, its point. Continue reading The Pulpit is a Prow

  1. While not denying the gains of modern biblical scholarship, I would be inclined to see the legacy of the historical critical method of interpreting the Bible in more ambiguous terms than McClendon seems to at this point.

The Grammar of Resurrection: An Easter Sunday Sermon Excerpt

I had the great privilege yesterday of celebrating Easter Sunday with the Church of Pentecost in Winnipeg.  Thank you to Overseer Gabriel Addo-Asante for the invitation to share in the ministry of the Word on the Day of the Resurrection.  Here are a few paragraphs from my sermon on Luke 24: Continue reading The Grammar of Resurrection: An Easter Sunday Sermon Excerpt

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