When I was teaching in Toronto, there was a period of several years in a row where I read Lesslie Newbigin’s Foolishness to the Greeks with my students. I consider the book, written in 1986, to be something of a 20th century theological classic. As evidence of that, I did try a few years ago to blog through Newbigin’s seven essentials for a church seeking a genuine missionary encounter with Western culture. I only made it through the first four before other endeavors required my attention, but you can find links to those previous posts here. Continue reading Newbigin’s Prophetic Insight
Worship Issue of Didaskalia – Special Promotion
I am incredibly grateful for the breadth, depth, and overall quality of the forthcoming issue of our re-imagined theological journal Didaskalia on the theme of worship. You can view the full table of contents below I am also pleased to announce that we have made special arrangements to make the issue available to all interested readers for the mere cost of postage. You can sign up to receive the first issue at this special promotional rate here. Continue reading Worship Issue of Didaskalia – Special Promotion
More Religion?
I sometimes challenge my students to reflect more deeply upon the reality of the Christian faith in our post-[insert your choice of noun here: Christian, modern, secular, truth, etc.] context by inverting the popular cultural slogan and claiming that I’m “religious but not spiritual.” Continue reading More Religion?
New Issue of Didaskalia
In addition to my responsibilities in the classroom, I am also serving as the editor of Didaskalia, the theological journal of Providence Theological Seminary. Alongside of a new editorial board, I have been engaged in the work of reimagining the journal and what it might look to publish interdisciplinary theological reflection in service of the church. The first issue of the relaunched Didaskalia journal is on the theme of worship and will be appearing within the next week or so. Continue reading New Issue of Didaskalia
A Sermon for the Week of Prayer
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything; recovering from a back injury has necessitated that I limit the amount of time I spend in front of the computer. I thought I’d break my silence with the text of a sermon I preached in the Providence Community Chapel yesterday during the school’s Week of Prayer. Perhaps the sermon can in some way be as edifying for you to read as it was for me to preach.
The Church Post Pandemic Forum on YouTube
Recordings of the sessions from the recent Zoom forum on the theme “The Church Post Pandemic” hosted by the Biblical and Theological Studies Department at Providence Theological Seminary are now available on YouTube. These include excellent presentations from my colleagues Lissa Wray Beal and Joshua Coutts and three Southern Manitoba pastors. Alongside of these presentations is my paper that draws upon the work of St. Augustine of Hippo as a resource for understanding ourselves, our world, the identity of the church, and the vocation of pastors in the time of the COVID pandemic.
You can watch the videos here.