I came across this excerpt from the writings of Malcolm Muggeridge on Thursday. It seemed particularly timely in light of the attention given by the media over the past few days to the events in the United States surrounding the Presidential Inauguration. Muggeridge writes: Continue reading In the Shadow of the Inauguration
All posts by Robert Dean
Upcoming Events at Knox Church
My friends at Knox Presbyterian Church on Spadina Avenue in Toronto have brought to my attention a couple of exciting upcoming events in the life and ministry of their congregation. First, on Saturday, February 11, they will be hosting a one-day retreat with Dr. Christine Pohl on the theme “Going Deeper into Community.” Continue reading Upcoming Events at Knox Church
Theology as Thinking After
Last night, I kicked off my winter semester “Systematic Theology I” course at Tyndale Seminary. It seems like a quite wonderful group of students called together from a wide cross-section of locales, denominational backgrounds, and life experiences. Some of the ground I covered last night reminded me of the inaugural post I wrote for this blog a little over a year ago. Since it was posted before things really got rolling on the blog and because it might be of interest to my newest batch of students, I thought I’d re-post a large excerpt from that first post. The original post was entitled, “Beginning in the Middle.”
Continue reading Theology as Thinking After
When in Romans: A Short Review
An upcoming opportunity to preach on a passage from the book of Romans provided me with a convenient excuse to dive into Beverly Roberts Gaventa’s new book, When in Romans: An Invitation to Linger with the Gospel according to Paul. In addition to being one of the most cleverly titled books I’ve come across in some time, the book confirms Gaventa’s place in the rare company of biblical scholars whose writing demonstrates theological sensibilities and is at the same time accessible to pastors and laypeople. (I would also place Richard Hays and Michael Gorman, among others, in this category.) Gaventa is clearly informed of the most recent scholarly debates, as evidenced in the endnotes, but she wears her learning lightly. Her lucid prose is peppered with references to contemporary culture, including, for example, a discussion of Terrence Malick’s film, The Tree of Life. Continue reading When in Romans: A Short Review
Book of the Year
Congratulations to Fleming Rutledge, whose book The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ has been named “Book of the Year” by Christianity Today. The full article can be read here.
After publishing several powerful collections of sermons and having faithfully served the cause of the Gospel for many years in pulpits both within her own Episcopal Church and across the ecumenical spectrum, it is wonderful to see her magnum opus receiving this kind of well-deserved recognition. Continue reading Book of the Year
Bernard of Clairvaux on the Annunciation
While speaking to a gathering of youth and young adults this past Sunday evening, I took the opportunity to reflect upon the fact that God’s plan to save humanity rested upon the faithfulness of an unknown teenage girl. This morning I came across a poetic passage in which Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153) depicts the whole of creation on tiptoes, listening in on the conversation between Mary and the angel Gabriel, anxiously awaiting Mary’s response. Continue reading Bernard of Clairvaux on the Annunciation