Thomas White concludes his theological reflection upon the commandment “You shall not murder” in his recent commentary on Exodus with this striking paragraph: Continue reading The Good News of “You Shall Not Murder”
95 at 500
The following is an extract from a sermon I preached this past Sunday at St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Scarborough. The service made use of some of the liturgical resources prepared conjointly by the Presbyterian Church in Canada and the Christian Reformed Church to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. It is not a scholarly treatment, nor does it exhaustively treat the complex and often ambiguous legacy of the Reformation. Rather, it simply attempts to acquaint people with the person of Martin Luther and some of the early developments associated with the beginning of the Reformation in Germany. Continue reading 95 at 500
Ring in the New Year with Bonhoeffer
For those who have been living with the guilt of a string of broken New Year’s resolutions to study the work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 2018 may be your year to break the slide! Starting on January 2, 2018, I will be teaching a five-day intensive intercession course on “The Life and Thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer” at Tyndale Seminary. Here’s the course description to whet your appetite: Continue reading Ring in the New Year with Bonhoeffer
Reformation Resources
On September 16, 2017, the Centre for Mentorship and Theological Reflection hosted a special event at Tyndale Seminary to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. It was a rich evening of fellowship and reflection upon the life, theology, and legacy of Martin Luther. Video of the evening’s presentations have now been posted online. Continue reading Reformation Resources
Robert Jenson: Servant of the Church, Evangelical and Catholic
September 5 marked the passing of the Lutheran theologian Robert Jenson. Widely regarded as the leading American theologian of his generation, and perhaps, as some maintain, the greatest American theologian since Jonathan Edwards, Jenson was a leading influence in advocating for a theological renewal of the church that was, at one and the same time, profoundly evangelical and catholic. Continue reading Robert Jenson: Servant of the Church, Evangelical and Catholic
Upcoming Conference Presentation on Canadian Evangelical Ecclesiology
I am going to be presenting a paper engaging with the work of some emerging Canadian evangelical theologians at an upcoming interdisciplinary theology conference in Rochester, NY, hosted by Northeastern Seminary and the Canadian-American Theological Association. The conference, to be held October 20-21, is entitled, “Evangelical Theology: New Challenges, New Opportunities.”
Continue reading Upcoming Conference Presentation on Canadian Evangelical Ecclesiology