The following is the text of a sermon I preached on Holy Tuesday during the Providence Theological Seminary Chapel. The Scripture readings were Isaiah 49 and 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. Continue reading Foolishness: A Holy Week Meditation
Some Short Lenten Reading
In the midst of the final stretch of the semester, with Holy Week approaching next week, posts have been few and far between. In the midst of the busyness, I wanted to share a couple of timely articles that have come on to my radar in the past few days. Continue reading Some Short Lenten Reading
Xplore Series at CMU
I have been invited to return to Canadian Mennonite University and offer the six week lecture series on Dietrich Bonhoeffer that was cut short last spring due to the pandemic. The series entitled, “Theological Resistance in Troubled Times: The Compelling Witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer,” is being offered through CMU’s Xplore program that encourages learning among those 55 years of age and older. My first lecture, this Thursday at 11:30 am Central Time, will provide a biographical orientation to Bonhoeffer’s life and legacy. The series is being offered on Zoom this year, so if you fall into that demographic, you can register for $40. You can learn more about the CMU Xplore series and register for the course here.
“Remember You Are Dust . . .”
Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Great Forty Days. For a second straight year we will witness the juxtaposition of the foremost penitential season of the church year with the continuing restrictions and death-dealing associated with the pandemic. Continue reading “Remember You Are Dust . . .”
Newbigin’s Prophetic Insight
When I was teaching in Toronto, there was a period of several years in a row where I read Lesslie Newbigin’s Foolishness to the Greeks with my students. I consider the book, written in 1986, to be something of a 20th century theological classic. As evidence of that, I did try a few years ago to blog through Newbigin’s seven essentials for a church seeking a genuine missionary encounter with Western culture. I only made it through the first four before other endeavors required my attention, but you can find links to those previous posts here. Continue reading Newbigin’s Prophetic Insight
Worship Issue of Didaskalia – Special Promotion
I am incredibly grateful for the breadth, depth, and overall quality of the forthcoming issue of our re-imagined theological journal Didaskalia on the theme of worship. You can view the full table of contents below I am also pleased to announce that we have made special arrangements to make the issue available to all interested readers for the mere cost of postage. You can sign up to receive the first issue at this special promotional rate here. Continue reading Worship Issue of Didaskalia – Special Promotion