My colleague Joshua Coutts will be sharing some of his recent work in the upcoming Fall Seminary Symposium at Providence. The title of his presentation is “The Absence of Jesus: John’s Gospel for a Secular Age.” The lecture is open to the public and includes a free lunch for those who attend in person. The event will also be live-streamed. You can register to attend in person or remotely here.
I came across a fascinating quote from Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI in an essay entitled, “Farewell to the Devil?” It also reminded me that I had intended to draw attention to Phil Ziegler’s recent Warfield Lectures at Princeton, entitled, “God’s Adversary and Ours: A Brief Theology of the Devil.” The whole series of lectures can be viewed here: 2024 Warfield Lectures: Satan—A Motivational Talk ( I share a longstanding interest in apocalyptic eschatology with Dr. Ziegler and I was fortunate to have him as a member of my dissertation examination committee back when I was a doctoral student.
The video recording of my recent BTS Symposium presentation, “Imagining a Better Way: Towards a Theology of Transformative Preaching,” is now available on the Providence YouTube channel. There was a great turnout for the event with a capacity crowd in the room and a good group joining online. There were some insightful questions from both the in-person and online attenders.
A recording of my colleague Nate Wall Bowering‘s recent presentation, “Water, Whisper, Thunder: What God’s Voice Sounds Like” has been posted on the Providence You Tube channel. It was a truly stimulating presentation.
On Thursday, March 30, 2023, the Biblical and Theological Studies department of Providence Theological Seminary will be hosting a panel discussion of the forthcoming book After Dispensationalism: Reading the Bible for the End of the World written by Brian Irwin of Knox College, Toronto along with my colleague Tim Perry. If you’re a Christian in North America there’s a very good chance that you’ve either personally been influenced by dispensationalism or know someone who has. Guests are welcome to join the event in person or on Zoom. You can register for this free event and find out more information here.