Category Archives: Events

May Recap

The month of May has flown by. On May 7, I had the privilege of preaching at Kleefeld Christian Community, which is pastored by my former colleague Ed Neufeld. Two weeks later, on May 21, I returned to Grace Bible Church in Winnipeg to preach on the Ascension. This coming weekend I am the speaker for Kleefeld Evangelical Mennonite Church’s Family Camp. I will giving a series of talks entitled, “Immersed in the Mystery of God” that will be engaging with the Apostles’ Creed.

On the academic front, I recently delivered a paper entitled, “Re-imagining Ethical Preaching” at the Canadian American Theological Association annual meeting in Toronto, where I was also elected Vice President for the coming year.  I also attended the first two days of the Canadian Theological Society meetings.  Being back in Toronto for a few days also allowed me to catch up with some old friends.

It’s been a busy month, but it I am thankful to be in good health and to have good work to do.

Upcoming Bonhoeffer Course

As part of its ongoing commitment to support the life and ministry of the church, Providence Theological Seminary is allowing pastors and other ministry leaders to audit most of its courses for the reduced fee of $250 CDN.  Include among those offerings is my upcoming modular course to be held during the week of February 20-24 on the life and witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  Here is the course description: Continue reading Upcoming Bonhoeffer Course

Science and Faith Symposium Tomorrow

We are one day away from Providence Theological Seminary’s Science and Faith Symposium, “In Him All Things Hold Together”: Integrating Knowledge, Pursuing Vocation, Building up the Body.  Interest has been building over the past week with articles appearing in the Winnipeg Free Press and on the website of CHVN 95.1 radio.   The latter includes the video of a conversation I had with radio host Sylvia St. Cyr.  I am looking forward to co-hosting tomorrow’s proceedings along with my colleague Dr. Rebecca Dielschneider and welcoming our accomplished speakers and panelists.  There is still time to register for the symposium here.

In Him All Things Hold Together: Integrating Knowledge, Pursuing Vocation, Building up the Body

I am serving as the Project Lead for a Science for Seminaries Seed Grant that Providence Theological Seminary has been awarded by AAAS-DoSER.  As part of the grant, we are hosting a Faith and Science Symposium on Saturday, March 19.  Due to uncertainties surrounding the pandemic, we have been forced to host the event entirely online.  While we will miss gathering in person, this does have two distinct advantages.  First, because we are meeting online, we have been able to assemble a strong international lineup of speakers.  Second, because the Symposium is online, you can participate from wherever in the world you happen to be located.  See the poster below and visit for more information.