This is the third in a series of posts engaging with the sermons in Leaps of Faith: Sermons from the Edge. This post is a reflection upon a sermon entitled “Bodybuilding,” which was preached to a cohort of pastors and ministry-leaders studying in the MDiv In-Ministry program (now called “Church in the City”) at Tyndale Seminary (pp. 179-188). The Scriptural text for the sermon was Ephesians 4:1-16.Continue reading Bodybuilding→
This is the second in a series of posts engaging with the sermons in Leaps of Faith: Sermons from the Edge. This post is a reflection upon a sermon preached at the funeral of Lucia Metella Robinson, entitled, “‘Mary and Martha, Lucia and Lazarus” (pp. 165-170). The Scriptural text for the sermon was John 11:1-3, 17-44.Continue reading Mary and Martha, Lucia and Lazarus→
To celebrate the publication of Leaps of Faith: Sermons from the Edge, some of my friends have graciously agreed to write responses to the various sermons in the book. It is humbling that such an accomplished collection of pastors, professors, and leaders in the Christian community have deemed my sermons worthy of their time and attention. I hope their reflections, which will be posted in the days to come, will prove to be a blessing to all who read and serve to stimulate good conversation. Continue reading Upcoming Series of Guest Posts on “Leaps of Faith”→
“The great importance in Calvinist tradition of preaching makes the theology that gave rise to the practice of it a subject of interest. As a layperson who has spent a great many hours listening to sermons, I have an other than academic interest in preaching, an interest in the hope I, and so many others, bring into the extraordinary moment when someone attempts to speak in good faith, about something that matters, to people who attempt to listen in good faith. Continue reading Marilynne Robinson on Preaching→