I am incredibly grateful for the breadth, depth, and overall quality of the forthcoming issue of our re-imagined theological journal Didaskalia on the theme of worship. You can view the full table of contents below I am also pleased to announce that we have made special arrangements to make the issue available to all interested readers for the mere cost of postage. You can sign up to receive the first issue at this special promotional rate here.
Here is the closing paragraph from my editor’s introduction to the issue which expresses something of my excitement and gratitude:
From Stanley Hauerwas I have come to an immense appreciation of the fact that theology is best practiced among friends. Of course, this should not surprise us if the Subject and Object of our study and service is the One who has created us, as Thomas Aquinas insists, to be friends of God. Reflected, for me, on each and every page of the current issue are the traces of these friendships—friends old and new, former students and mentors, partners in ministry and colleagues in theological education. Behind the scenes, I have had the privilege of working with knowledgeable and passionate colleagues on both the advisory and production side of the editorial team. I am also thankful for the work of our peer-reviewers who offer the anonymous gift of friendship through advancing our mutual pilgrimage towards the truth through their critical comments and insights. Their unheralded contribution has made this issue stronger. Finally, I look forward to the way the publication of this issue and future issues will invite others yet unknown, both readers and contributors, into this enlargening circle of friendship centered in the worship of the God who is our light and life.