Tag Archives: Providence Theological Seminary

In Him All Things Hold Together: Integrating Knowledge, Pursuing Vocation, Building up the Body

I am serving as the Project Lead for a Science for Seminaries Seed Grant that Providence Theological Seminary has been awarded by AAAS-DoSER.  As part of the grant, we are hosting a Faith and Science Symposium on Saturday, March 19.  Due to uncertainties surrounding the pandemic, we have been forced to host the event entirely online.  While we will miss gathering in person, this does have two distinct advantages.  First, because we are meeting online, we have been able to assemble a strong international lineup of speakers.  Second, because the Symposium is online, you can participate from wherever in the world you happen to be located.  See the poster below and visit prov.ca/scienceandfaith for more information.


Science for Seminaries at Providence in the Winnipeg Free Press

I was recently interviewed by John Longhurst of the Winnipeg Free Press about the Science for Seminaries Seed Grant that Providence Theological Seminary has recently received.  Overall, it’s a positive piece, although I was slightly misrepresented on one point.  I mentioned that Augustine, Aquinas, and Calvin were all interested in and acquainted with the best science of their day, not that they were scientists per se.  You can read the full article here.

Worship Issue of Didaskalia – Special Promotion

I am incredibly grateful for the breadth, depth, and overall quality of the forthcoming issue of our re-imagined theological journal Didaskalia on the theme of worship.  You can view the full table of contents below  I am also pleased to announce that we have made special arrangements to make the issue available to all interested readers for the mere cost of postage.  You can sign up to receive the first issue at this special promotional rate here. Continue reading Worship Issue of Didaskalia – Special Promotion

A Sermon for the Week of Prayer

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything; recovering from a back injury has necessitated that I limit the amount of time I spend in front of the computer.  I thought I’d break my silence with the text of a sermon I preached in the Providence Community Chapel yesterday during the school’s Week of Prayer.  Perhaps the sermon can in some way be as edifying for you to read as it was for me to preach.

Continue reading A Sermon for the Week of Prayer

The Church Post Pandemic Forum on YouTube

Recordings of the sessions from the recent Zoom forum on the theme “The Church Post Pandemic” hosted by the Biblical and Theological Studies Department at Providence Theological Seminary are now available on YouTube.  These include excellent presentations from my colleagues Lissa Wray Beal and Joshua Coutts and three Southern Manitoba pastors.  Alongside of these presentations is my paper that  draws upon the work of St. Augustine of Hippo as a resource for understanding ourselves, our world, the identity of the church, and the vocation of pastors in the time of the COVID pandemic.

You can watch the videos here.