Tag Archives: Kleefeld

May Recap

The month of May has flown by. On May 7, I had the privilege of preaching at Kleefeld Christian Community, which is pastored by my former colleague Ed Neufeld. Two weeks later, on May 21, I returned to Grace Bible Church in Winnipeg to preach on the Ascension. This coming weekend I am the speaker for Kleefeld Evangelical Mennonite Church’s Family Camp. I will giving a series of talks entitled, “Immersed in the Mystery of God” that will be engaging with the Apostles’ Creed.

On the academic front, I recently delivered a paper entitled, “Re-imagining Ethical Preaching” at the Canadian American Theological Association annual meeting in Toronto, where I was also elected Vice President for the coming year.  I also attended the first two days of the Canadian Theological Society meetings.  Being back in Toronto for a few days also allowed me to catch up with some old friends.

It’s been a busy month, but it I am thankful to be in good health and to have good work to do.