As areas of Southern Manitoba continue to lag behind the rest of the province and country in vaccination rates, Providence will be hosting a Zoom Panel Discussion on July 13 entitled, “Vaccines, Restrictions, and the Church.” A recent news story that ran on all of the major networks highlighted the plight of a local pastor who has been bombarded with complaints on social media for his involvement in a recent vaccination advertising campaign. Joining me on the panel will be: Dr. Rebecca Dielschneider an immunologist who serves as Assistant Professor of Biology at Providence University College; Dr. Chris Burnett, a local physician who was recently honored with the medal of excellence from Doctors Manitoba; and Terry Kaufman, a longtime pastor and current denominational executive within the Evangelical Free Church in Canada. More information about the event and registration can be found here.
Douglas Harink on “Messianic Anarchy”
A provocative quote from Douglas Harink for Canada Day from his insightful discussion of Romans 13 in his recent book Resurrecting Justice:
“What do messianics owe political authorities and institutions? Not obedience. Not loyalty. Not flag-waving, anthem-singing devotion. Not military service. Not participation in their ministries of punishment and death. But also, not violent resistance or revolution (Rom. 13:2). Messianics are neither for nor against worldly political authority. In this sense, they might truly be called anarchists, because for them justice and life do not depend on the “archys” – the ruling powers of this age. Nothing truly messianic hinges on whether the ruling powers are for or against them. Messianics are conscientious unbelievers in worldly politics (syneidesin = “conscience” in Rom. 13:5). They practice holy, peaceable anarchy because they refuse to believe in and dedicate their bodies and souls to the political systems of this age.”1
- Douglas Harink, Resurrecting Justice: Reading Romans for the Life of the World (Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 200), 184. ↩
Barth on the Simplicity of the Gospel
“Basically, the gospel is a very simple thing. The gospel is no system of this or that truth, no theory on life in time and eternity, no metaphysics or the like, but simply the sign that God has blessed the world, this poor world in which we live, with all its difficulties, with all its misery, with this whole ocean of death. And in this world we dare to live in the knowledge that God loves us, but not only us Christians who believe that God loves the whole world [cf. John 3:16]. Every person, even the most miserable, the most evil, is loved by God. This is the privilege: to be commissioned and enabled as a Christian to proclaim that.”1
- Karl Barth, Barth in Conversation: Volume 2, 1963, ed. Eberhard Busch (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2018, 216. ↩
Gregory of Nyssa on Prayer
“In prayer, a person is present with God, for the person who prays is separated from the enemy. Prayer safeguards self-control, controls the temper, restrains pride, cleanses us of malice, overthrows envy, destroys injustice, and corrects impiety. Prayer is the strength of bodies, the prosperity of the home, the good will of the city, the strength of the kingdom, the victory in war, the security of peace, the bringing together of enemies, the preserver of allies. Prayer is the seal of virgnity, the pledge of marriage, the shield of the traveler, the guard of those who sleep, the courage of those who keep watch, the productivity of farmers, the deliverance of sailors. . . . Prayer is conversation with God, the contemplation of unseen things, the fulfillment of things desired, equal in honor with angels, the progress of good things, the overthrow of evils, the correction of sinners, the enjoyment of the present, and the substance of things hoped for.” 1
- Gregory of Nyssa, On the Lord’s Prayer, quoted in Christopher A. Hall, Worshiping with the Church Fathers (Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2009), 142. ↩
“Dem Bones” – A Sermon for Pentecost
I was invited to preach yesterday on the Feast of Pentecost at Prairie Presbyterian Church, my family’s home congregation in Winnipeg. The lectionary readings were Psalm 104: 24-34, 35b; Ezekiel 37: 1-14; and Acts 2:1-21. I am still not used to preaching to a camera in a largely empty sanctuary – for that matter, hopefully I will never get used to it! You can watch the sermon below.
Vaccine Hesitancy among Christians
I was pleased to get my COVID vaccination a couple of weeks ago. I view getting vaccinated as part of my missional calling as a Christian to love my neighbour. Unfortunately, many Christians do not see things in the way I do, with the potential risk that we do not reach herd immunity as a society. Southern Manitoba, where I currently reside, is often considered to be one of the Bible-belts of Canada, yet it has the lowest vaccination rate in the province. Continue reading Vaccine Hesitancy among Christians