A new review of Minding the Web has recently been posted on the Reading Religion website sponsored by the American Academy of Religion. The review, written by Calida Chu, a doctoral student at the University of Edinburgh, can be accessed here.
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Sin, What it Is and What It’s Not (Series on “Minding the Web”)
“The good news is we do not get to be our own judge. We do not get to determine what our sins may be. The devil, the great tempter, would have us believe that we should want to be like that false god, who we assume to be self-sufficient, self-affirming, self-desiring, the supreme being, self-centered and rotating about himself. The problem, of course, is that he is not the God who has come to us in Jesus Christ. That God—the God that has come to us in Christ—is sufficient to Himself, but that sufficiency is the love that has constituted the life of the Trinity from all eternity. Our sin, quite simply, is our refusal to be loved by such a God.”1 Continue reading Sin, What it Is and What It’s Not (Series on “Minding the Web”)
- Stanley Hauerwas, “Repentance: A Lenten Meditation,” in Minding the Web: Making Theological Connections, edited by Robert J. Dean (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2018), 213. ↩
“You Have Saved the Best till Now”
A Guest Post by Gregory Brawn
This is the eighth in a series of posts engaging with the sermons in Leaps of Faith: Sermons from the Edge. This post is a reflection upon a wedding sermon entitled “You Have Saved the Best till Now” (pp. 154-159). The Scriptural text for the sermon was John 2:1-11. Continue reading “You Have Saved the Best till Now”
An End of Summer Update
As a result of a summer filled with teaching, frequent preaching, and lots of marking, along with some much-needed family vacation time to recharge, blog posts in recent weeks have been few and far between. With a very full semester of teaching, congregational ministry and, God willing, the completion of several writing projects on the horizon, the prospects for frequent posting in the days ahead are not particularly promising either. Continue reading An End of Summer Update
The Last of the Audio from the Book Launch Celebration
At long last, I have finally gotten around to posting the last of the audio from the event celebrating the launch of my book, For the Life of the World: Jesus Christ and the Church in the Theologies of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Stanley Hauerwas, on the Book Launch Celebration page. The final audio clip features my responses to the three presenters. In order to maintain a manageable file size, I had to edit out some of my preliminary comments and words of thanks. In spite of the absence of these words of thanks from the audio, I remain profoundly thankful for all who helped out in various ways to make the evening such a success.
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