Category Archives: Events

Bonhoeffer on Human Freedom and the Image of God

Tonight is the final night of the four week teaching series, “Bonhoeffer: Following Jesus in a Fragmented World,” that I’ve been leading at Whitby Christian Assembly.  That 200 people would come out on Wednesday evenings in January to hear about a dead German theologian is testimony to the commitment and passion of this extraordinary congregation.  Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Dietrich Bonhoeffer is no ordinary dead German theologian! Continue reading Bonhoeffer on Human Freedom and the Image of God

Wycliffe College Preaching Day

Wycliffe College will be hosting their annual Preaching Day on Monday, February 26, 2018.  Wycliffe always manages to put together an excellent program featuring keynote speakers that are among some of the most theologically insightful preachers and teachers of our day.  This year’s conference looks to be no exception to the rule as Wycliffe welcomes Jason Byassee to speak on the theme of “Christ Meets Us in the Psalms.” Continue reading Wycliffe College Preaching Day

Back by Popular Demand

Those who missed my presentation at last year’s Wycliffe College Preaching Day will have an additional opportunity to join me in reflecting upon the realities of preaching with Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  I will be leading a workshop at the upcoming Tyndale Preaching Conference on March 6 on the theme “Confessing Christ in Troubled Times: Bonhoeffer as a Resource for Preachers.”  You can find more information about the conference and how to register here. Continue reading Back by Popular Demand

Bonhoeffer: Following Jesus in a Fragmented World

I’m going to be delivering a series of presentations on the life and thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer at Whitby Christian Assembly.  The series will run for four Wednesday evenings starting at 7:00 pm, beginning on January 17.  If you’re in the neighbourhood, come on out and join us. Continue reading Bonhoeffer: Following Jesus in a Fragmented World

Ring in the New Year with Bonhoeffer

For those who have been living with the guilt of a string of broken New Year’s resolutions to study the work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 2018 may be your year to break the slide! Starting on January 2, 2018, I will be teaching a five-day intensive intercession course on “The Life and Thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer” at Tyndale Seminary. Here’s the course description to whet your appetite: Continue reading Ring in the New Year with Bonhoeffer