Tag Archives: authoritarianism

The Future is Now

“The next wave of American “conservatism” is not likely to base its appeal on such unsuccessful slogans as the Constitution and free enterprise.  Its leader will not be a gentleman who truly cares about his country’s past.  It will concentrate directly on such questions as “order in the streets” which are likely to become crucial in the years ahead.  The battle will be between democratic tyrants and the authoritarians of the right.  If the past is a teacher to the present, it surely says that democratic Caesarism is likely to be successful.  In the fight between Sulla and Marius, it was the descendants of the latter who established the Julian line of emperors.”1 Continue reading The Future is Now

  1. George Grant, Lament for a Nation: The Defeat of Canadian Nationalism, 40th anniversary edition (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005), 66n.23.