Providence Press Release for “Minding the Web”

Providence University College and Theological Seminary has issued a press release for Minding the Web: Making Theological Connections, the recently published book that I’ve worked on with Stanley Hauerwas.  The press release includes some quotes from both myself and Hauerwas, alongside of other information about the book.  You can read the full release here:


Christianity Is Not for Sissies

“The church can’t survive on sentiment and nostalgia.  If we try to do that, we will wake up at midnight and discover that our lamps are going out.  Sentiment, nostalgia, optimism: these are weak, thin fuels.  We need premium oil for our lamps if we are to keep the light of the church burning in the time of trial.  Christianity is not for sissies.  Continue reading Christianity Is Not for Sissies

Fleming Rutledge and Clint Eastwood on Contemporary Christian Music

When Fleming Rutledge and Clint Eastwood are in agreement about something then you have to stop and listen!  Of course, it’s not the real Clint Eastwood, but it was hard to resist quoting Fleming Rutledge in juxtaposition to the latest Lutheran Satire video which features Clint Eastwood reading the lyrics of contemporary praise songs. Continue reading Fleming Rutledge and Clint Eastwood on Contemporary Christian Music

Advent Resources

With the first Sunday of Advent nearly upon us, I thought that I would go back through the archives and pull together some of the most memorable postings pertaining to Advent that have appeared on the blog.  In the days ahead, I will also be posting some Advent-themed quotations from Stanley Hauerwas which appear in Minding the Web.  Here are some of the notable previous posts: Continue reading Advent Resources

Resources for wayfarers and wanderers