I am going to be back in Toronto on the weekend of September 29 to present a paper at the Canadian Society of Presbyterian History annual conference at Knox College. The subject of my paper is the curious case of J.J.A. Proudfoot, the son of the distinguished 19th century Southwestern Ontario Presbyterian church planter William Proudfoot. The junior Proudfoot taught homiletics and pastoral theology at Knox College for 32 years while concurrently serving as the pastor of First Presbyterian in London, Ontario for the first 22 of those years. Proudfoot was removed from his pastorate in 1889, amidst charges that included the accusation that his preaching was no longer relevant to the young people in the congregation. He would continue to teach preaching at Knox College for an additional twelve following his dismissal from his pastoral charge. You can learn more about the conference and also discover how to livestream the proceedings on the CSPH website here.